
  • Strategic Planning And Meeting Agenda Software
    카테고리 없음 2020. 1. 23. 22:38
    Strategic Planning And Meeting Agenda Software

    When holding an annual strategic planning meeting, the preparation often overshadows the actual purpose of the meeting. Part of the preparation includes creating the agenda, inviting attendees, sending the agenda out and preparing the venue. However, if the meeting itself doesn't accommodate brainstorming, decision-making and plan creation, it might not produce the innovation and strategic excellence you want. While the venue and organization are important, it is the quality of the face-to-face communication that produces results.

    Weekly Meetings as Part of Strategy Success. So, you might have noticed we included weekly tactical meetings in the mix. Weekly tactical meetings are certainly part of your current meeting mix and are essential to the success of your organization. In fact, they’re also essential to the success of your strategic planning for a few key reasons.

    Strategic planning and meeting agenda software pdf
    • Make sure the strategic planning software you choose helps you visualize your strategic plan (i.e., through a strategy map), assign accountability so team members can see how they link to your strategy, automatically load your data from other sources, update all of your projects simultaneously, and more. Ignore Excel.
    • Use this sample agenda to guide your two-day strategic planning meeting by SME Strategy Consulting Helping small and medium sized businesses hit their goals and focus their teams by using Aligned Strategy Development and strategic planning.

    Strategies normally cover company expansion, marketing, product lines, competition and financial commitment. Strategic planning meetings that simply rehash the old strategic plan with your management group don't scrutinize the plan for possible improvement. If your goal is to perfect your strategy for the coming year, start the meeting with a SWOT analysis of the current strategy.

    Strategic Planning And Meeting Agenda Software Pdf

    If you are leading the meeting, be prepared with a list of problems and questions designed to encourage discussion. Bring articles, white papers and video presentations to spark creative thought. Challenge the participants to raise uncomfortable topics. Managers often don't want to be the peg that stands up, for fear of being hammered down. Create Your Problems List for Further Discussion. A rousing SWOT analysis of the past year's strategic plan and what it produced should result in more points for discussion and resolution.


    Using a whiteboard to list questions or problems as they arise allows you to keep your discussion organized and on track. As leader, continue to challenge and ask questions.

    Strategic planning and meeting agenda software free

    Strategic Planning And Meeting Agenda Software 2017

    An involved discussion is exactly what you want, but keep control of the discussion and try to lead it to a solution and decision. Breakout sessions can produce innovative solutions, so assign attendees to breakout sessions dealing with individual key topics and have them report conclusions or new ideas when the meeting resumes. One reason to hold strategic planning meetings on two or more consecutive days is to give attendees time to process the ideas raised. What seems like a good idea might be revealed to be a mistake after a night's sleep. After you have fully discussed the old strategic plan and formulated new ideas, review each point or decision and take a vote. Voting commits the managers in attendance to supporting the decisions. If there is disagreement on one point, consider further discussion on how to modify it so everyone can agree.

    Implementation and Follow-Up. Of course, implementation and follow-up makes the difference between a successful meeting and a failure. It is so easy for managers to maintain the status quo when they get back to their departments, that you should aggressively assign responsibilities for implementation. As leader, it is your responsibility to follow up to make sure managers are fully carrying out the strategies and changes developed in your strategic planning meeting. Set benchmarks and progress reviews to evaluate how the strategic plan is benefiting the organization and whether it needs to be revised.

    Strategic Planning And Meeting Agenda Software For Windows 10

    File Format. DOCSize: 8 KBTypes of Planning AgendasA few samples of planning agendas we offer are as follows:. A strategic planning agenda is used to create a timeline in which the strategies that will be applied in specific processes should be curated.

    Strategic Planning And Meeting Agenda Software
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